"And if you think about turnin' back, I got the shotgun on your back"--"Soldier," Erykah Badu
Above is a picture of the biggest clothing purge I've ever made. Getting rid of my "fat" clothes. Or, let's call them my "before" clothes, to avoid the negative F word.
I love clothes. More specifically, I loved my clothes in that pile. The Layne Bryant bootcut pants that I wore to conventions in New Orleans, Palm Springs, Tuscon and other locales, for an old job. The Tommy Hilfiger shirt dress I wore while on honeymoon in Miami. Cool jeans. Cozy turtlenecks. All kinds of funky fresh stuff, from whatever atelier was kind enough to make something fabulous for a size 18 chick.
They're gone, I tell you! Gone. (The clothes went to the Goodwill in Holmes, PA, if anyone wants to call dibs.)
Why did I leave myself a bunch of hangers, with a few clothing items sprinkled in for good measure? Initiating a wardrobe do-over after a good amount of weight lost is something advocated by many on Weight Watchers. I'm hoping this will keep me from getting too comfortable with any weight that's not my goal weight (and from backsliding), as I have no bigger clothes to go back to. And I can reward myself with shopping sprees!
I actually didn't get rid of everything, just the items that are obviously too big, or otherwise no longer flattering. I plan on slowly phasing out the others as needed.
I do buy new things here and there, though it tends to be more shirts than pants. I bought several pairs of work pants and jeans months ago; I'll ride with those as long as I can.
I also bought new bras early on. I tried to keep Victoria's Secret for as long as I could, but I think new bras may be in order soon. I've re-upped on belts a few times, too.
Looking to give yourself good motivation? Try ditching your familiar "before" wardrobe. Watch the confidence you get from wearing flattering clothes in your new size. Have fun being a Top Model when the time for new clothes comes. And enjoy the awseome sales available for slimmer folks!!!